DIOMEGA®, a brand specialized in dietary supplements based on omega-3

OUR BRAND DIOMEGA+   2-in-1 capsules for an optimal efficiency


Why do we need an omega 3 intake?

  • Omega 3 are constituents of cell membranes and condition the functioning of many organs (including heart and brain) Note: 30% of the brain mass = omega3
  • Western diet creates an imbalance in the intake of fatty acids with an excess in omega 6 versus omega 3 (often> 10 omega 6/1 omega 3). The optimum omega 6 / omega 3 ratio is 4/1, that is why we need a complementary supply of omega 3 and especially DHA 

Why a DHA intake?

  • DHA is at the end of the chain in the synthesis by the organism from the ALA
  • DHA is the major constituent of cells and membrane suppleness (ex red cells and capillary vessels)
  • DHA contributes to the normal functioning of the brain, cardiac function and the maintenance of normal vision